
Submitted by eric on Sun, 02/20/2022 - 00:18

Romblon links the Tagalog-speaking and Visayas-speaking regions and contains a cultural convergence of both. Believed to be first inhabited by the indigenous Negrito and Mangyan people, the province is composed of three main islands: Tablas, Romblon, and Sibuyan, which are surrounded by rich waters teeming with marine life. Its landscapes are equally vibrant: Mt. Guiting-Guiting and its jagged peaks that overlook thick forests the caves and waterfalls, the hot springs of Corcuera and Banton, and the Spanish era forts, churches, and heritage houses of the town of Romblon. Bring home a piece of Romblon with you by purchasing their renowned traditional weaving, basketry, and woodwork. 

Section Type
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