Mindoro Oriental

Submitted by eric on Sun, 02/20/2022 - 00:17

One of the most visited provinces of the region, Oriental Mindoro's geography gives tourists from all over plenty of reasons to visit. The province is marked by wildlife-harboring irregular coastlines, rugged terrain traversed by numerous streams and rivers - all of which the province's seven Mangyan tribes call home. Get to know the gentle Mangyan people in their own cultural villages, dip your toes in the lively beachfront buzz of Puerto Galera, and scale the highest point of the island - Mount Halcon - all in Oriental Mindoro. 

Section Type
{"place_name": "","address": "Oriental Mindoro, Philippines","place_id": "ChIJUYh3HkdhuzMRTyMrJgYTTwk","lat": "13.40544167","lon": "121.1774603"}