Nature Kids Of Siargao Review

Submitted by mads on Fri, 12/09/2022 - 12:06

Nature Kids of Siargao is an organization that aims to support underprivileged children by supporting their basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, and education. Founded by couple Joseph "Cocoy" Davis, and Sanne "Sunny" Sevig, one of the organization's thrusts is to teach kids to better appreciate and care for nature. Their sustainability initiatives include the Recycling Art Studio, which educates the community on the importance of recycling and sustainability by upcycling materials and turning them into fun, functional items.

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{"place_name": "","address": "General Luna, Surigao del Norte","place_id": "","lat": "9.7821161115572","lon": "126.15652814522"}
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