Sunken Cemetery Review

Submitted by sandy on Sat, 11/12/2022 - 20:44

Catarman's Sunken Cemetery is a National Cultural Treasure and one Camiguin's most eerily stunning snorkeling and diving destinations. Marked by a huge stone cross erected not too far from where the original church was, underneath lie the remains of a cemetery that became submerged underwater after a series of eruptions from Mt. Vulcan in the 1870s reshaped the landscape. Some remains and shapes can still be made out, providing a hauntingly beautiful home for corals and marine life.

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{"place_name": "","address": "Catarman, Camiguin","place_id": "ChIJpTcfzo1wADMRmi8pXl1YBWQ","lat": "9.2068","lon": "124.6329"}
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