Sultan Kudarat

Submitted by eric on Sun, 02/20/2022 - 00:53

Coffee, caves culture and cuisine - Sultan Kudarat's main attractions can be summed up in these words. It is the Philippines' top coffeee producer and is home to a wide range of wildlife - especially bird species that have found sanctuary in the lush wetlands of Baras.

Section Type
How to get there
location_place_name=&location_address=&location_place_id=ChIJT0kGyUA3VjIROgH-B4WH5k8&location_lat=0&location_lng=0&travel_mode=Air&travel_mode_icon=/sites/default/files/2022-02/how_to_get_there_airport.png&description=<p>Plane to Cotabato Airport; Approx. 215 km drive to Sultan Kudarat via Cotabato City East Diversion Rd and Quezon Ave or approx. 23.2 km drive to Sultan Kudarat via via Shariff Aguak - Cotabato City Rd and Quezon Ave</p>
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