Dapitan City Plaza Review

Submitted by sandy on Wed, 11/23/2022 - 23:03

Also known as the Town Square, the plaza is one of Dr. Jose P. Rizal's passion projects during his four years in exile at Dapitan. Together with Spanish Politico-Military Governor of Dapitan, Gov. Ricardo Carnicero, Rizal improved and enhanced the existing plaza and fashioned it after the ones that the national hero saw in Europe. It is characterized by oil lamps, a kiosk, a monument at the center bearing a snippet of one of Rizal's letters written in 1893, which states "Yo estoy dispuesto a hacer todo lo que pueda en obsequio de este pueblo. No tengo inconveniente ninguno en quedarme para siempre en este distrito” (“I’m willing to do everything I can for the sake of the people. I have no problem to stay forever in this district”.).

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{"place_name": "","address": "Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte","place_id": "","lat": "8.65520616","lon": "123.4242887"}
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