
Submitted by eric on Sun, 02/20/2022 - 00:24

Masbate lies at the crossroads of Visayas and Luzon, with a fascinating terrain that ranges from undulating and rolling hills to mountainous areas. It also hosts a range of emerging eco-attractions such as the annual Rodeo Festival that showcases the province's booming cattle and livestock industry, farms, marine sanctuaries, waterfalls, and more natural and man-made wonders. 

Section Type
How to get there
location_place_name=&location_address=&location_place_id=&location_lat=12.37041409&location_lng=123.6252575&travel_mode=Air&travel_mode_icon=/sites/default/files/2022-02/how_to_get_there_airport.png&description=<p>Plane to Masbate Airport</p>
{"place_name": "","address": "Masbate, Philippines","place_id": "ChIJH82sLsfHpjMRCsV7ngRlsaU","lat": "12.3060239","lon": "123.5588558"}